Thursday 7 August 2008

I Am Legend

Director; Francis Lawrence
Starring; Will Smith
Genre; Thriller
Year; 2007
Release; UK Warner (Blu Ray)

I'm no great fan of Mr Smith, so the prospect of a film consisting mostly of him was a worrying thing. Lets get this straight, I only watched this for a couple of reasons. One, I had a bad back, and couldn't be arsed to occupy myself in any meaningful way. Two, I have recently bought both a PS3, and a Sony Bravia HD LCD TV. This film was bundled, on Blu Ray, with the PS3, and is the only BR film I have. I wanted to see how the whole thing looked, on my posh telly. Great picture. Pity about the boring film. Not the first time this story has been filmed, but by far the most pointless attempt at it. The best thing I can say is at least Smith tried to play someone else, for once, and not just himself. They do attempt to tackle the psycological issues the situation would raise. But fail, badly. Huge sections of nothing much happens, followed by brief running, failing to catch deer, then nothing for some more. The effects of a decaying NY are good enough, but lack atmosphere, it's all just so sterile. Watch Omega Man instead, or Last Man On Earth, or even I Am Omega (cheap ripoff, brought to you by legendary auteurs Asylum, ripoff masters who also made Snakes On A Train, among others), is better than this. Actually, that's by far Asylums best film, and is a pretty decent take on the subject, although you have to make allowances for fuck all budget.

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