Thursday 1 May 2008

Grindhouse; Death Proof & Planet Terror

Year; 2007
Release; US (BL)

Tarantino and Rodriguez teamed up, to produce a tribute to cheap, sleazy movies. Done as a double feature, and called Grindhouse, after the name given to the cinemas that used to show these films as double, or multi-features. Made as a complete thing, complete with fake trailers for other movies, that don't actually exist (yet anyway, the trailer for a fake film called Machete, with Danny Trejo, caused such a stir that Rodriguez is now making it). A nice idea, but the appeal of Grindhouse is limited, as is the idea of the double feature. This limited the box office success, as no-one wants to sit through 2 films in one sitting, unless you are into it. Released here in the UK as seperate films, as very few here even know what a grindhouse is, let alone want to re-create the experience.

Death Proof.

Director; Quentin Tarantino
Starring; Kurt Russel
Genre; Action, road

Tarantinos film concerns 'Stuntman Mike' (Russel), an ageing stuntman. Mike drives around in an old muscle car, but it's a 'stunt car', that's been 'Death Proofed' (hence the title), by means of strengthening and reinforcing. His reason for driving such a thing is that he likes to kill young women, and uses the car to do so, by crashing into theirs. Typically Tarantino, with lots of his little trademarks (bare feet, talking in a diner, endless references to other movies etc etc) The first half of the film has an aged film stock effect, this disappears halfway through. The reason for this is the film is supposed to mimick 2 films, a film and it's sequal, being spliced together to make one movie. This happens in the world of cheap sleazy movies (Shogun Assassin is a famous one). Lots of talking between the action, and only breif moments of actual gore, and enjoyable little tribute to the world of grindhouse. Fans of muscle cars in general, and Mopar in particular, may wince during the final reel. Put simply, muscle cars and hot chicks, whats not to like?

Planet Terror

Director; Robert Rodriguez
Starring; Rose McGowan, Freddy Rodriguez
Genre; Horror, action

Rodriguezs turn sees a biological weapon being unleashed upon the public, turning the infected into flesh eating zombies. A splatterfest from the getgo really. Gallons of blood, and lots of effects, some really good. The effect of McGowans missing leg couldnt have been done better if they had Heather McCartney playing the role. Lots more references to old movies. Rodriguez sticks to the worn film effect, and even has the film disintergrate and the reel missing (did he have to do it there?), so the story suddenly jumps forward. Huge fun, this entry into the pairing.

On the whole a nice idea, but never really going to take off. Great, no-brainer films though, either seperate or together. Highly reccomended.

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